
               Välkommen till                                                             Welcome to
               AstridGruvan AB!                                                         AstridGruvan Ltd!
               Bildades 2008                                                                
Established in 2008


       We are pleased to announce that a renewed exploration permit has been granted
                                          by the Swedish Mining Inspectorate!

                Interested in a J/V or to buy? We are open for suggestions!


                     In our various laboratory analyzes we have most of the sought-after minerals that Europe needs
                     for the green transition.

                     But also the base metals copper, columbite iron, aluminum, silver, gold, palladium,
                     neodymium and praseodymium all needed for the green transition!

                    We also have support of the Swedish Export Credit Board, which accounts for 75% of the loan repayment.

                                                       Don't hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions!



Vi är ett svenskt prospekteringsbolag med inriktning på ädelmetaller och Sällsynta jordartsmetaller, REE.

We are a Swedish prospecting company

with focus on precious metals and REE

Kjell-Åke is a co-owner and Co,
and he has all blasting permits that Nitro Nobel can issue, including responsible supervisor!
Active in the profession since the 60s and 20 years as self-employed.

e-mail: info@astridgruvan.se


Copyright: AstridGruvan AB
Last update: Oktober

                Our watchdog!

             Erauspojan Sussu

 ( Karelian Bear Dog)

ildspel på borrkärnor från området Kopparmossen i Värmland.
Området Kopparhagen/åsen, med de fantastiskt höga geofysiska mätresultaten har ännu inte gjorts några borrningar.
                                                                          Värmländska Guldlinjen kallas den!

of drill cores from the area "Copper Bog" in Värmland.
Still to come is the drilling in the area "Copper ridge" with
amazingly high geophysical measurement results!

                                                                  It is called the "Värmländska Goldline!"


Guld och koppar
Pure copper and gold from a creek below the "Kopparhagen" Copper ridge. Enlarged image.

Drillcore 4.68m. Mineralization from the surface and down to, as for now, 407 m!

From surface down to 6.28 m.

From surface down to 26.78m and 29.76m.

3 different cores from surface down to 64 m.

Results from drilling down to 143,5m, 175,5m and 195m!

Cores down to 200m and 250m.

Several areas with quartz!

Quartz and natures own art!
Mineralisering inne i en borrkärna
Ytterligare en rikligt mineraliserad borrkärna
Borrkärnor med mycket kvarts!
Borrdjup 374-378 m.
Guldet går vanligtvis i Kvarts
Kvarts/Quarts på djupet!
Olivin i borrkärnor
Turmaline fann vi i borrkärna!

2,79 % Cu in surface, sample taken in solid rock. and 0,8 gr Au

The area

Good infrastructure with roads etc.
Abundant access to water, natural purification via a peat-moss

in the area.
Area available for construction of mineral processing plant, buildings etc.

Suitable as an open pit!